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Jamaica Destination Wedding Photographers

Frequently asked questions

How do I go about booking and how far in advance should I book?

We book on a first come first served basis. We accept bookings up to 1 year from your wedding date. To book your date a retainer of US $700 plus a signed contract is required.

Will we get every image you shoot?

The simple answer is no you will not. Images that do not meet our required standards will be deleted. These includes test shots, missed focused photos, photos with bad expressions and duplicate images.

Will we get raw photos?

We do not give raw photos however they can be purchased.

Will my photos be edited?

All photos will be edited. Photos will be color and exposure corrected, some turned to black and white and some will get extra color treatment. We do not remove permanent marks such as moles unless we are asked.

Will I get the copyright to the photos?

Yes and no. While the copyright will stay with us as the creator of the images you will get the rights to print and use the images as you see fit except to use commercially and to enter competitions.

What are your prices?

We provide competitive pricing for our level of experience as Jamaica wedding photographers. Please fill out our contact form and we will be happy to provide our rates.

Do you charge a Travel Fee or any other fees?

For weddings in Montego Bay, Negril, Ocho Rios or their environs we do not charge a Travel Fee. For weddings in Kingston, Port Antonio and Treasure Beach we charge a travel fee and an accommodation fee as in order to provide our best services we will need to spend two nights in these locations.

Do you pay the Vendors Fee?

Quite a number of venues in Jamaica charges a Vendors Fee for using a photographer, makeup artiste etc outside of the the ones provided by the venue. We do not pay the Vendors Fee. From time to time we run promotions (eg. 10% off our prices) and the discount saved could be used towards the vendors fee.

Will you recreate this photo that I really love?

We will try! We certainly will not be able to reproduce it exactly as many factors influence the creation of a photo and many of those factors will be different on your wedding day.

What is your style?

We are creative documentary wedding photographers and we use unique compositions, angle and perspective to help tell your story. We are very hands off especially for some parts of the wedding however we do take the posed family photos, posed bridal party photos and couples photos. Our posed couples photos are not overly posed but more directed as we strive to capture emotions even in those posed photos.

When is the best time of year for weddings in Jamaica?

Jamaica has a vibrant wedding industry and weddings are held all year every day. November to March is very cool however these months tend to be more expensive for accommodations etc as there is more demand. The sun sets earlier in these months as well so wedding ceremonies tend to start earlier. While the “summer” months are hotter and sometimes more humid there is more daylight to work with and ceremonies tend to start later. Our rainiest months are usually October and May.

How will my photos be delivered and how soon after our wedding?

Your photos will be online for viewing and we deliver via download. Photos are usually ready 4 to 6 weeks after your wedding however it may be sooner depending on how busy we are and how many hours we were booked for.

Can we give you a shot list?

Yes you can however we suggest you keeping the shot list to the formal photos required. Photos such as the first kiss will be covered during our normal photo taking process so no need to add naturally occurring photos to your shot list.

Have you ever done a wedding at my venue before?

We have shot at most of the wedding venues in Jamaica and know some of them inside out however in the rare case that we have not we welcome new challenges.

What type of camera do you use and do you have backups?

We currently use Nikon D750 cameras. We take multiple cameras, lens, flashes, batteries, cards etc on your wedding day so we will have adequate backups. Our cameras even uses dual card slots so there is less chance of us losing images due to card failure.

Will we meet you before our wedding day since we are having a destination wedding in Jamaica?

If your wedding is in the Montego Bay environs we will be happy to meet you at your resort the week of your wedding. We can also Skype, FaceTime or WhatsApp video or voice call. We do not see the majority of our clients until their wedding day.

Why should we hire your company to photograph our Jamaica Destination Wedding?

We care and we will be there for you! We have done hundreds of weddings which have taught us how to deal with the stresses of a wedding day. Should you need it we will help with your planning by working out your wedding day timeline and we will work with you to solve any problem that may occur.

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